The written work of the students enrolled in the "History of Science" course during Summer Term 2010 at St. Benedict's Prep, Newark, NJ
Thursday, August 26, 2010
First Term 2010 - Blog: "Final" entry
The students seem to have accepted this task very easily. Those who have no internet access at home have tried to do their blog entries here at school, after class, or during class work time. Some have still had to submit their work on paper; this is why some of the topics may not have contributions from each student in the roster.
Although the class is over, the writing will continue to be here, and we ask you, our readers, to continue commenting on our entries. We will be revisiting this site often, and see what the world thinks about what we wrote this Summer 2010.
- DL
Data is sometimes needed
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
History and Origin of Meditation
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Cao Gio
Over a 20 year span, the massive migrations of Southeast Asians to the United States brought along their traditional ideas of health and forms of healing. The most common practiced by the Vietnamese immigrates was called Cao Gio (Coining). Most of the Southeast Asian countries to practice this were Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Cao Gio is also incorporated into the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine which has been practiced in china over 3,000 years. The exact origin isn’t known due to lack of record keeping of the Asian culture.
Two Paragraphs I Will Use on My Poster
Modern Use of Acupuncture- Most modern acupuncturist use disposable stainless steel needles of very fine diameter sterilized with ethylene oxide or by autoclave.
yoga presentation (preview)
What is yoga?
The word yoga means “to join or yoke together”, and it brings the body and mind together into one harmonious experience. The system of yoga is built on exercise , breathing , and mediation. Regular daily practice of all three parts of this structure produces a clear, bright mind and a strong, capable body.
Yoga and Religion
The core of yoga’s philosophy is that everything is supplied from within the individual. There is no dependence on an external figure. The common belief that Yoga derives from Hinduism is a misconception, yoga actually predates Hinduism by many centuries. The techniques of yoga have been adopted by Hinduism as well as other religions
Monday, August 23, 2010
2 Paragraphs
The Asian Practice of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is the process in which needles are inserted into certain parts of the body to promote well-being and health. Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing practices and therapies in the world and is said to have begun somewhere in Asia. The exact location of origin is unknown however, the first knowledge received about it was from China. Knowledge of acupuncture spread from China along Arab trade routes toward the West. It has been practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years. Acupuncture is one of the key components of traditional Chinese medicine.
two paragraphs
Cao Gio is translated to "catch the wind". Illness was believeed to caused by the unbalanced or excess wind in a humans body. Coining is however believed to relieve this wind and restoring the balance to the.
Two paragraphs that i am putting on my presentation
Tai- Chi’s modern use is a strong martial art, a form of physical healing or therapy, and a way to prevent common aging problems like arthritis. Many places that you will see Tai Chi or Chi healing is in specialized message offices. The benefits behind Tai Chi are by letting the energy flow you are releasing the pain or the energy build up in that certain location. Energy build ups could come in the form of cramps or pains in the muscles. The benefits are also having a basis of knowledge of which way the body is most powerful inside and out.
To compare and contrast Tai chi to a similar art that deals with energy but not in the context of internal. Shoalin is also known as a art that can be dealing with energy on a big level but Shoalin is the representation of energy externally like to be able to generate energy to strike through 12 cinderblocks. Even though they are somewhat different arts Shoalin is more of a fighting form then a healing regimen. The martial side of Tai Chi is not all strikes and blocks it’s more of a flowing art also known by some as a soft art but there is nothing soft about it. Tai Chi utilizes the shared energy within conflict and uses against their opponents.
Two paragraphs
Presentation Paragraphs
Cupping will use heat to suck out those toxins and accumulated stress and tensions. The suction created through cupping method will loosen impacted nerve endings thus restoring them to their original state.
Two Paragraphs on Presentation
2 paragraphs
Herbs have been used for a 1,000 years. Herbs are often used in the form of lotions and ointments. Today herbs are available in pharmacy and grocery.
Two Paragraphs On Presentation
Acupuncture is helpful to those who do not respond well to or do not like to take medications. If done correctly it can relieve small pains such as headaches, neck pains,tooth aches and other similar dilemnas. The process is not as painful as it seems due to the places the needles are inserted. The idea is to bring the energy flow in your body back into proper balence, similar to having your back cracked while getting a massage.
Two Paragraphs on Presentation
Traditional and Modern uses of Ginseng: Improving the health of people recovering from illness.
Increasing a sense of well-being and stamina, and improving both mental and physical performance.
Treating erectile dysfunction, hepatitis C, and symptoms related to menopause.
Lowering blood glucose and controlling blood pressure.
2 Paragraphs Preview on Presentation
Benefits of meditation
Preview paragraphs on my Poster
Shiatsu is a hands on therapy that originated in China 2000 years ago. The modern day type of Shiatsu evolved from Japan by Tokujiro Namikoshi. Its roots are in Traditional Asian Medicine. The word is in Japan and is broken down into two characters. "Shi" meaning finger and "atsu" meaning pressure. Shiatsu is very similar to acupuncture in blocking and unblocking the energy, but is very different. Shiatsu practitioners don't apply the needles like acupuncture and the massage is done with clothes on.
The benefits of Shiatsu and symptoms-
The benefits of Shiatsu is reduced stress and fatigue; increased circulation; reduced blood pressure, and improved muscle stiffness, and more energy. The affects after the massage can be different from each person. Depending on the person they might feel cold or have aches and headaches after the first treatment. The person might feel these affects for the day, but as they get more used to the treatment of Shiatsu they will feel better.
Preview: The Folk Medicial Practices of Moxibustion
“There have been no human studies on the effects of moxibustion and cancer; however, a study in Taiwan found that mice with tumors that had been treated with moxibustion lived longer than mice with tumors that had not”. There haven’t been enough studies that prove the same for humans. “A Chinese study of 230 women in the 1990s suggested that moxibustion might have helped some fetuses in breech (bottom-first) position return to a normal, head-first position before birth. Other studies have found the same outcome.
How Data Doesn't Show or Tell Scientists What to Think
Data and Hutton
Science as a Social Endeavor
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Data and science
Data does not dictate scientist’s thoughts it only gives them a guide to look for new explanations of the world. Data for a scientist is not the end of the line because that data might be true that day but in the future it could change. Especially for Hutton since he was a geologist he recognized that the world was always changing.Huttons biggest theory to the history of geology was that small changes happen over long periods of time. This directly influences the truth of data not creating scientists thoughts but scientists create data.
Question 3
Saturday, August 21, 2010
What Data shows isn't what it Tells
Science as Leisure
My Proposal on Acupuncture
Friday, August 20, 2010
Endeavors of Science:Social or Solitary
Prove it to Me
In Science, we don’t just display the results of our experiments. We are to explain the results displayed and prove that they are true. We must not assume that everyone will understand the results we display. Hutton’s and other scientists’ needed to convince others of the meaning of their observations because they refused to believe what they were told. Usually, we are told what data tells or shows us. In other words, another person’s understanding and view of the given data is forced onto the others. The others accept what they’re told without an argument and without thinking it through. Hutton and other scientists needed to convince others of their observations because the others refused to be told what to accept without an argument. They also wanted to make sure what they were being told was true. They refused to accept a single person’s view on the observations the heard about.
Does data show or tell?
Question 3: Show or Tell
Scientists' need to convince others of the meaning of observations does show or tell scientists what to think but it teaches them what to know. The reason is because back then, every scientist's research had no past. Every research they had were the start. Meaning every data on e scientist had must have been correct.
Proposal On Acupuncture
Is science a social job?
I would have a social job because I would meet new people who have different ideas and learn new discoveries. I would have a social job of being a doctor. This job is a very difficult job even though it is a social job. Working with other people will create new ideas and could spark an discovery of new ways to cure diseases and a better way of surgery.
Social Endeavor
I want to go into the career of building and creating cars like a mechanical engineer. This job is a social job because you work with others to build the car. There is people that put the frame and doors and windows on the car while others are busy building the engine. Then, some people are connecting the electrics in the car. Further it comes to people putting on the paint and the wheels. This is not just an one person job to build cars; it is a social endeavor.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Social or Solitary
I haven't really picked an offical carreer I'm determined to follow or pursue. However I' ve always considered joining the marines for many reasons. One which is because like science the marines is a very social carreer always supporting one another to get task done. I believe working is esstienal in everones lifes and having people there to help you work is makes life easier. I do believe humans can get task done and progress but i think sometimes everyone needs a little help. The history of science is a great example of this and how science collabrated with one another to get as far as society is today all becuase of social working.
Science, a Social or Solitary Job?
Social or Solitary Job:
The type of job that I want to pursue is Physcology and Neurology basically the study of the brain. It can be looked as both a solitary and a social endeavor. I think it’s just like James Hutton had the Scottish Enlightenment that I might know the brain and how it works but I might not know the long term affects on the body so I would other physicians to assist me when a patient needs physical help. In the study of the brain there is always going to be something that you might not know but other Physcologists might know what you don’t so you can ask them for assistance for example a graduate with their masters degree might not know as much as someone with their doctorate. This sounds very similar to the relationship of the early scientist that just improved the theories of the or took into account the ideas of past scientist and used it to their advantage.
Social or Solitary Science?
In the future i have considered taking up a chemistry/medical field job. This type of science always needs to be in contact with its other partners because it is under constant development making it a social endeavor but work can be done on ones own. I want to be in the medicinal field because I want to be able to help others discover new and better ways to make other peoples lives easier so i am looking forward to the social part of the job.
Social or Solitary
Not all scientific jobs are solitary careers. Many careers that study science are social such as doctors working at a hospital doctors can refer to each other depending on what branch of medicine they learned. In a sense even James Hutton had a social endeavor/job his friends were members of the Scottish Enlightenment which were a group of scholars that would bear knowledge to each other. James Hutton’s closest friend was Joseph Black a chemist that helped Hutton with geology by sharing ideas. That proves that science is not a solitary career but a social one that one branch of science can help another by bringing what they know to the context of that study
Social or Solitary
The story of James Hutton is both amazing and inspiring. His story shows that you can have a career that is typically solitary and make it social. He worked with numerous scientists and his discoveries in the field of geology are a testament to that. Hutton collaborated with Joseph Black, David Hume, James Watt, and Adam Smith just to name a few; he work together with them because they were all in a club called the Scottish Enlightenment. If there are people who want to be scientist but are hesitant because they think that it is a solitary job then this story should make them reconsider. However, the field of geology and science have changed drastically in the couple hundred years that have passed.
In the future I plan to be in the field of Sports Medicine. The two major jobs are either athletic trainer or a doctor. At this point I am not sure which path I will take. However, one thing I am completely sure about is that I don't care whether my job is social or solitary. While most people stress about whether they will be working with people or not I frankly do not care. I work well with others and even better by myself.
Social or Solitary
Science is usually viewed by the public as a solitary job. They imagine a person lock up in his or her personal space, paying no attention to anyone because of their research. This common view is incorrect. Science is a social job. This is because scientists have to meet with one another from time to time and share discoveries with each other to help each other out. One scientist might use the formula of another scientist to aid his or her research just like Isaac Newton used a formula by Galileo for some of his research. Science is also a social job because scientists build on the work of other scientist. Scientists usually reach a point where they are unable to continue their research. Another scientist will then come along and continue the previous scientist’s research. He will then make discoveries the first scientist could not make. Discoveries cannot be made single-handedly. Scientists need the help of each other to expand their knowledge.
I am considering taking up Robotic Engineering as a career. In my opinion, it is a social endeavor. This is because when it comes to building big robots like commercial ones, it takes planning by a large group of people. They get together and decide on how to build and design the robot and what it will be capable of. After that, they all get different tasks to complete in order to assist with building the robot.
Social and Solitary Question:
Social or Solitary Job
Homework Question # 2 Understanding Earth's Age
- Javier R's proposal and science as leisure
-Paul A's proposal
-Yann U's proposal
-Jongwan K's science as leisure
Khristopher's Cupping Proposal and Newton, Engines, Galileo
Antonio's Newton, Engines, Galileo
Dakari's Newton, Engines, Galileo
Paul's Newton, Engines, Galileo
Spencer Hambleton
Yasym Boner
Javier Robles
Erich Enriques
Jon Gonzalez
- Good job guys
Solitary or Social Endeavor
I plan to become a doctor in the future. My future profession is both a solitary and social endeavor. It would be solitary in the way that if i were to set up my own office, i would only talk to my patients. i would for the most part be on my own, maybe with a nurse or assistant. It would be social in the way that i would go to conventions to further expand my knowledge, and learn new methods of treatment, tools, and different medications. Also, being in a hospital would make my profession a social one because there are a lot of people in a hospital and communication with you colleagues is vital. Being a doctor can be both a solitary and social endeavor. JT
Spencer's Proposal
Juan T's lessons of science
Dakarai P's Asian medicines
Javier R's proposal
Peter S's leisure time
What I Learned About Galileo, Newton, and the Steam Engine
Sir Isaac Newton made the three laws of motion, which is still used in physics today. He also designed the reflecting telescope. He also invented calculus, and developed the law of universal gravitation. He wrote a couple of books, including Quaestiones Quaedam Philosophicae and The Principia. He retired from research after two nervous breakdowns.
The earliest known steam engines were the novelties created by the Greek engineer and mathematician named Hero. His most famous invention was called the aeliopile. This was a small, hollow sphere to which which two bent tubes were attached. This sphere was attached to a boiler that produced steam. As the steam escaped from the sphere's hollow tubes, the sphere itself would begin to whirl and rotate. By the mid-sixteenth century, work on air pumps had established the notion of a piston working in a cylinder, and around 1680, the French physicist Denis Papin put some water at the bottom of the tube, heated it, converted it to steam, and saw that the expanded steam pushed forcibly and moved a piston just ahead of it. Following Papin, an English military engineer, Thomas Savery built what most regard as the first practical steam engine. But this engine had no piston since Savery wanted only to draw water from the coal mines deep below the earth. The most important improvement in steam engine design was brought about by the Scottish engineer James Watt. In 1769 he introduced a steam engine with a separate condenser. Watt's steam engine was not perfect however, and did have one major limitation; it used steam at low pressure.
Javier- Proposal
Brandon W- Proposal
Deontrae M- Proposal
Kristopher W- Proposal
Jongwan- Proposal
Homework Question 1
I know for me I do not want to be a scientist. I would rather be a pro athlete. Now a days they all get a lot of money and I would like getting a lot of money. I love playing soccer so I would want to get paid for doing something I love to do. I think this shows that the world has changed a lot.
i have always been interested in Yoga, so I Plan on producing a great project and hopefully after viewing it more people will become interested in Yoga as well.
Leisure Time
Personally i feel like there is many things that still have not been discovered. Things like cures for diseases and questions like why the world is a circle but it seems flat, have not really came to be discovered yet. Chemistry is what people do not think about. I believe that there should more people who want to be a chemist so more cures can be discovered and people can stop dieing.
Presentation Propsal
Does society still value the inquiry of science?
In previous time periods knowledge of the world around us was considered a luxury.
Scientists where looked up too and admired for what they did much like we do to celebrities today. But unlike celebrities these scientist actually did something that benefited mankind, like finding cures for diseases or figuring out that the earth was round instead of dunking a basketball or getting into a bar fight on television.
Even though we sometimes take science for granted, I wouldn’t say we don’t value it at all. People are now focusing on the latest TECHNOLOGY (i.e. apple products, computers, internet, etc.). So it’s not that people look down upon science, it’s just that people aren’t worried about it because they are to busy upgrading to the next big Phone and downloading applications.
Lessons of Science
Leisure time.....
Science is sometimes forgot about because of activities and duties that people do in daily lives. Most people would text and go on Facebook rather then focus on knowing more about the history of science. The lack of studying about science has a big impact in our world today. Scientist work very hard to find new experiments. Today word is more interested in media. People mostly watch television, play video games, and go on the internet to surf the web.
Herbal Medicine
Asian Medicines & Practices Proposal
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Galileo, Newton, and Steam Engines
What i also learned about Isaac Newton is that , you dont have to be a total brainiac to become a scientist. Newton hated school and was not intresed in anything that delt with school, and now he's a big part of our lives now. In this case, you can be anything you want to be if you put your heart in it.
I've learned that the steam engine is very important to our lives now because without that, we wouldnt have any transportation anywhere. Not only that, but it made me realize that even the smartest people need th help and ideas from others. Just as James Watt wouldn't have done it without the help and ideas from Thomas Savery
Science as Leisure
Today, if you love Science and you do it on your spare time, your immidiatly labeld a "nerd", "loser", or a "geek". With so many distractions now in the new era, people don't even worry about science anymore. Im not saying that we dont have science, but it wasn't as popular as it was back then. The "geeks" and "losers" can one day save the world.
Project Proposal
Blog Comments
Peter's Proposal on Tai Chi
Kris' Proposal on Cupping
Paul's Proposal on Cao Gio
Yann's Science on Leisure Time and his Asian Herbs Proposal
Comment List
JavierR -Proposal
JuanT- Science Leisure
KhristopherW -Proposal
JonG- Proposal
BrandonW- Proposal
Student Critiques
Juan's post about Science During Leisure Time
Jongwan's Proposal On Acupuncture
Gordon's post about Decreasing Importance Of Science
Paul's Proposal On CAO GIO or Coin Rubbing
Kristopher's post about Science As A Leisure
My Comments On:
Peter - Tai Chi
Khris - Cupping
Deontrae - Shiatsu
Brandon W - Moxibution
More will come...
Proposal on Meditation
Proposal: Ginseng
Here are some of the websites I have visited:
Science during Leisure Time
In modern society, science isnt really important anymore. You dont see people spending time performing experiments and collecting data, or even asking themselves questions about the world. Todays world is only interested in the media. We have better things to do with our lives like go on facebook, text, watch television, go on the internet etc. Also, I think that in todays society, science isnt viewed as something of importance because it is taught to us at school. Its not like we have an option, we have to take science. In the past, people performed science(s) because they wanted to. Becoming a scientist isnt something many people aspire to become, they rather play ball. We dont want to seem like we are nerds but in the past many people aspired to be nerds. Science isnt popular, and therefore not important.
Question # 1
Peter Santiago WK 8/17/10
Question 1
Leisure time now is known as a time when you can do what makes you happy like soccer, basketball, and football. All of these activities have very rich people that play them and get publicity. The reason that science was considered a leisure time activity was it was the newest thing and not that many people had what it could to be a scientist. Now men like Michael Jordan and DeWayne Wade are the super stars of basket ball but before men like Isaac Newton and Thomas Savery were. It is the shift in society that is causing this, since science has advanced so much over the years that modern day people are not as interested anymore.
Today science and technology are about making life easier then it was before. The one thing that we made to make life is money with money you can pretty much do anything in this present day. Fame is measured by how much money you obtain certainly movie stars get a lot of money and people that play sports. Science was the thing back in the day though the people that we call nerds had all the fame. The world today is only about making life easier for us to live but without scientist we would have never got this far.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Peter Santiago WK 8/17/10
Dr.Langsang History of science
Tai chi was originated in China a combating style also known for its methods of healing. Tai chi is good for the one performing as well as the one being heeled. Within performing the forms of Tai chi your body is in enlighnment with its self. So that the universal energy in which the Chinese call Chi and Japanese call Ki can flow within the body and generated at any point. Since Tai Chi is based in an early kung fu style called Wudang which is focused more in inner martial art like the build of energy in their strikes and movements. Later on the founder of Tai Chi found that the generation of this energy can actually heal inner pains on someone else.
Homework 8-17
Today athletes, musicians and actors are consider the superstars not really improving humanity but just there for the entertainment of society. Scientist and reseachers are greatly unappreciated now a days but are actually making a difference in the world everyday by reaching a little bit closer to a cure of a disease or anything that could help the global warming. These things that could keep us alive and the humanity race strong for years to come. However society is well unaware of the future and more focus on what can improve our daily lives. This I believe shows the decline of human development where we are much more concerned in how people can run up and down a field with a ball and people performing on stage with their music than with the people who work tirelessly to try to end cancer or aids. I feel society might be leading down the same path as the ancient Romans .
Science as Leisure
Today science is still a respectable career but isn't promoted as much as it was before. Our community is usually busy showing other subjects that we see as "more entertaining." Science isn't being shown as a leisure time anymore with all the new distractions and new types of careers that we have today. I personally think it is how one is raised and what they were taught about science because not everyone will be interested into science but if taught correctly it can change our thoughts on how it can be used as a pass time and not just extra work
Asian Medicine Proposal- Cupping
Cupping History
Cupping Use
Homework 8-17
I think that people today think that in the field of science there is no more to be discovered. I think they feel that there is no more advances to be made in the world. If we just used our heads more instead of using all these machines I think that there would be more scientist. But because of the new technology that we have the human brain is become useless. We use computers to get answer when we should be using books. Its like we are becoming slaves to technology.
Ronold Greene
Proposal On CAO GIO or Coin Rubbing
Asia Medicine Proposal: Yoga
What I've Learned
History of Science Dr. Lansang
Galileo Galilei :
Galileo is well thought to be known as the” inventor “of the telescope. Galileo did in fact work with the telescope and contributed information for evidence on the heliocentric view, however he did not invent the telescope as many people believe rather than just improved it which made an advance telescope for its time. With the help of his telescope Galileo did in fact gather enough information to disprove the churches’ and Ptolemy’s idea of the geocentric view. This was a great advance in astronomy at that time however went against the church which was almost fatal for Galileo. The church ordered Galileo to publicly recant his belief and then was put on house arrest rather than death because of his friendship with the pope at that time. Galileo then took advantage of his house arrest by taking in students and taught them about this ideas which later on became too much for the church and eventually change their idea of the geocentric view.
Sir Isaac Newton:
Sir Isaac Newton is one of the greatest scientists in history with great advancements. Newton was born 1642 a couple months after his own father’s death. In 1653 he went to grammar school and even though we consider him a genius, as a child was consider idle in school which now a day’s people would call lazy and probably did poor in school. However it was in his uncle’s college, Trinity College Cambridge, where his intelligence appeared. In 1664 his interested in mathematics began and by 1668 earn his masters. He then began to teach full time at Cambridge when he was just 27 years old and already had a developed anew from of math that we still use today which is calculus. His laws of motion which became universal were published in his book Principia one of the best scientific books written. Even with all this success and knowledge this man was still suffering from stress and in 1679 suffered his first nervous breakdown. At the end of his research he published a famous book in 1704 called the Opticks where he discusses much of his experiments and discoveries including his law of gravity and the concept of light. Finally in 1705 was knighted and became the first scientist to be honored.
Steam Engine:
The steam engine was probably one of the best things that could have been invented by man. It began what we now know as the Industrial Revolution. It started with just a couple of ancient Greeks like Hero who is considered to first have the earliest form of the steam engine called novelties. It was around the 1600s when again the steam engine was looked upon for production in human life. During that time in Europe there were a lot of mining and because of the mining there were a lot of exposed water which was needed to be pumped out. The only way to do that back then was by human muscle power or animal draft. However these both were becoming less and less efficient. This drove people to find a better way and which lead to the invention of the steam engine which began as water pump by Thomas Savery and now is used as a method to power and mechanical object for example a car or a train by Trevithick. These where we use in our daily life and without, humans would still be either on a horse or walking to their destinations.
Understanding Earth's Age: Question 1
As I mentioned science was huge in the past. If you were the big time sciencetist you were like the Lebron James or Kobe Bryant of then. Science or scholarship activities now a days is known as "nerdy" activities. The cool thing now is to watch t.v., play videogames, or play or watch sports. It's the entertainment which is the big thing. Sciencetist today are basically unknown. Personally I cannot name one present time sciencetist, but i can name fifty entertainment or sport people. Leisure time used to be about science and now it is about entertainment.
Science: The Dark Ages in the 21st Century
History of Science Dr. Lansang
Science: The Dark Ages in the 21st Century
It is no surprise that most people in the eighteenth century studied science on leisure time. During these times there was not much to do, and although people were curious about the world around them they had little access to information. Thinking was free and easy so why not do it, this was a thought that many inventors and “scientists” by modern standards would think. To think that Robert Hooke the man who invented the microscope was an accountant is amazing and certainly would not be the case today. Today it seems that learning and scholarly work is a hassle and many do not enjoy doing so.
Fast forward several hundred years and things are now completely different. The desire to have more money is know what people think of, even the rich ones. Greed has become science’s worst enemy and while many people believe religion to be its number one enemy greed has run its course. Technology has also impacted science negatively; in a world where the demand to make our lives easier thrives the desire to answer more about the world around us plummets. Like the Romans we seem to care more in technology and this was the same interest that ignited the Dark Ages.
science because as long as they are able to part take in daily day to day activities there is no need to know or
learn more about how something works. This simple fact limits the everyday working person to not think
about advancing in science.
Another fact would be that people might ignorantly believe we as humans have learned almost everything we
need to learn(at least to live effectively) and people who think past what the everyday person thinks about
are often called nerds, geeks and are actually the one that create useful scientific innovations that benefit the
world but because they are not looked upon as being cool this pushes people away from wanting to be
curious and to see how things work, why and just exploring thing we have not found yet, because it is not
Proposal Asian Herbal Practices
Here are some of my links:
Understanding Earth's Age
Proposal on meditation/Chi
Homework Assignment 8/17
Nowadays, people don't want to be "nerds" or become smart. Our entertainment is tv, texting and not learning. There are people who want to learn about science but since it's not cool to learn people are afraid to back up their beliefs. We have time to learn but we decide what's more important by our actions and not what we say. We may say learning is more important but we choose not to learn.
In conclusion, scientific discoveries hasn't really decreased. What has increased is other forms of entertainment, which has overshadowed science. Sports and television shows have taken over science's spot as most important.
Proposal on Moxibustion
Proposal By Yasiym Bonner
Homework assignment
Entertainment as we know it has taken the place of science. We value entertainment more than a person with a 4.0 in throughout their high school. People don't take the time to think about the world. Instead we think about becoming the best soccer player or being the funniest guy on Earth. We idolize those types of people but forget to mention the people who made our lives better. The people who take the time of to think and try to make technology should be given more credit then people who have been in entertainment.