Previews: Health Traditions in Asia

Photos of our Final Projects: the presentation boards on the topic of "Health Traditions in Asia"

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Chris B. = Asian Dermatology

Yasiym B. = Art of Tai Chi

Paul C. = Coining

Eric E. = Asian Meditation

Jonathan G. = Yoga

Dante G. = Order of Shaolin

Ronald G. =  Meditation/Chi

Spencer H. =  Asian Meditation

Jongwan K. = Acupuncture

Deontrae M. = Shiatsu Massage

Antonio M. = Yoga

Gordon O. = Acupuncture

Dakarai P. = Chi-gong

Javier R. = Meditation

Erich R. = Asian Herbal Medicine

Peter S. = Tai-chi Health Regimen

Trevon S. = Acupuncture

Juan T. = Ginseng

Yann U. = Ginseng

Brandon W. = Moxibustion

Khris W. = Fire Cupping