The story of James Hutton is both amazing and inspiring. His story shows that you can have a career that is typically solitary and make it social. He worked with numerous scientists and his discoveries in the field of geology are a testament to that. Hutton collaborated with Joseph Black, David Hume, James Watt, and Adam Smith just to name a few; he work together with them because they were all in a club called the Scottish Enlightenment. If there are people who want to be scientist but are hesitant because they think that it is a solitary job then this story should make them reconsider. However, the field of geology and science have changed drastically in the couple hundred years that have passed.
In the future I plan to be in the field of Sports Medicine. The two major jobs are either athletic trainer or a doctor. At this point I am not sure which path I will take. However, one thing I am completely sure about is that I don't care whether my job is social or solitary. While most people stress about whether they will be working with people or not I frankly do not care. I work well with others and even better by myself.
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