Thursday, August 12, 2010

exclusive paragraphs

A lot of lessons can be learned from many scientists. Scientist that lesson can be learned from are Isaac Newton, and Galileo. There are also lessons that can be learned from the development of certain invention. In the life of the scientist Isaac Newton, we can learn that in everything we do, we have to give praise to God. Newton studied science as a reason of learning more about God. We all should know that God is the creator of the earth.
Lesson in life can be learned by the scientist Galileo. From his life we can learn that we have to give up some stuff and stand up for what u believe for. Galileo theory was too strong to be ignored by the churches. Galileo kept on researching until the day that he died. He put his life in many dangerous ways that could’ve harmed him.
The development of the steam engine made people realize that no invention is fully completed. The scientist had to build on the previous works of the past scientist. A creative invention was the steam engine created by Denis Papin around 1680, which was improved over the years by people like Thomas Newcomen and many others. As more people built on the work of Papin the steam engine became more improved.

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