Thursday, August 12, 2010

Life Lessons

Gordon Owiredu CS Dr. Lansang

Block 2/ History of Science 12th August 2010

Life Lessons

Lessons can be learned from the lives and actions of scientist from the past and the present. Some scientist that lesson can be learned from are Isaac Newton, and Galileo Galilei. Lessons can also be learned from the development of certain inventions like the steam engine.

In the life of Isaac Newton, one can learn that in all that we do, we are to give glory to God. Newton studied science as a means of learning more about God. From him, we can learn that no matter how many discoveries we make about the universe around us, we should remember the one who created it and give glory to Him always.

Another life with a lesson is the life of Galileo Galilei. From his life we can learn that there are times when we have to risk our lives and stand up for the things we believe in. Galileo had almost all the evidence to prove his heliocentric theory. Although he was probably afraid to be killed, he continued to research in is home under house arrest. He continued to his research till the day he died. His theory was too strong to be ignored by the Church so it was accepted. His theory is still accepted till this day.

The development of the steam engine has a lesson that can be picked up from it too. In this, one can learn that no invention is ever complete. Scientists build on the work of other scientists. Although the steam engine was built by Denis Papin around 1680, it was improved over the years by people like, Thomas Savory, Thomas Newcomen, and James Watt. The steam engine became better and better as people built on the work of Papin.

There is at least one lesson that can be learned from everyone’s life. It may be a big or small lesson but lessons from the lives of others are what make our lives better. They can only make our lives better when we take them into account.

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