Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Proposal On Acupuncture

Acupuncture, a treatment process that requires needles to be injected into the body is believed to have started in China. I have found out that there are 365 Acupuncture points in the human body and the fact that stones and bones that have been sharpened were used in the past instead of needles. Compared to Japanese Acupuncture, Chinese Acupuncture use thicker needles, deeper injections, and longer durations. I am very much interested in Acupuncture because it leaves me wondering how something that can hurt you make you feel better? I am enjoying learning about Acupuncture because it is something I used to ignore.


  1. Seems like you have been researching, maybe our presentations may have similar points in it

  2. Nice reasons, we both share the same questions and wonders involving acupuncture. Based on your proposal it seems like you've done your research.

  3. I like the facts you put in your proposal and look forward to hear more about it when you present it.

  4. I do not know anything about Acupuncture so I am interested in what your presentation will be look like
