Wednesday, August 25, 2010

History and Origin of Meditation

Nobody really knows the exact origin of meditation. Its roots travel back to ancient times. Researchers and scholars believe that primitive hunter and gatherer societies may have discovered meditation while staring at the flames of their fires. The earliest written record of meditation comes from a five thousand year old Hindu scripture. It wasn’t long till it spread across all of Asia. Even though meditation traces back to Asia, in such countries like India, China, Japan, and Sri. Lanka, its concept is universal. Meditation can be practiced in numerous different ways and has work its way into almost every spiritual belief and religious practice. Meditation is among one of the oldest form of spiritual, mental, and health practices in existence. As long as there stress, mysteries sorrunding the universe, and century old questions. Like who created the universe? Or, why does life exist? Meditation will be around as a source of gaining wisdom to be able to solve those questions, and understand the universe.

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