Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Understanding Earth's Age: Question 1

Leisure time back in the 15oo B.c to 1750 B.C (about) was about science in thinking about the world. The peop-le that did this on their free time were known as scholars. The word scholar comes from the latin word "scholee" which means leisure time. Sceince was a big thing back then. science abck then is like entertainment and sprots now. the people that were idles and looked up to was like Aristotle or Thales or Anaximander because in their time they were the big sciencetist. All of them were not just sciencetist, most of them actually just did their science experiments and activities on their free time or leaisure time. To do things with science or scholarship activities back then was the cool thing to do the society's leisure time, it was like us going to play basketball on our leisure time.
As I mentioned science was huge in the past. If you were the big time sciencetist you were like the Lebron James or Kobe Bryant of then. Science or scholarship activities now a days is known as "nerdy" activities. The cool thing now is to watch t.v., play videogames, or play or watch sports. It's the entertainment which is the big thing. Sciencetist today are basically unknown. Personally I cannot name one present time sciencetist, but i can name fifty entertainment or sport people. Leisure time used to be about science and now it is about entertainment.

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