Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Question # 1

Peter Santiago WK 8/17/10

Question 1

Leisure time now is known as a time when you can do what makes you happy like soccer, basketball, and football. All of these activities have very rich people that play them and get publicity. The reason that science was considered a leisure time activity was it was the newest thing and not that many people had what it could to be a scientist. Now men like Michael Jordan and DeWayne Wade are the super stars of basket ball but before men like Isaac Newton and Thomas Savery were. It is the shift in society that is causing this, since science has advanced so much over the years that modern day people are not as interested anymore.

Today science and technology are about making life easier then it was before. The one thing that we made to make life is money with money you can pretty much do anything in this present day. Fame is measured by how much money you obtain certainly movie stars get a lot of money and people that play sports. Science was the thing back in the day though the people that we call nerds had all the fame. The world today is only about making life easier for us to live but without scientist we would have never got this far.