Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Proposal On CAO GIO or Coin Rubbing

Cao Gio or also know as Coin Rubbing is a form of demabrasive therapy used to relieve a vareity of illnesss such as fevers, colds, nausea,etc. Its an ancient technique used to scrape to away diseases by the use of a coin and oilsto let the excess wind out and leaving the body balance. Cap Gio is used by most south asians countries such as Vietam. I chose this asain medical practice because its an ancient extoic practice which i never heard of before doing this research.I learn knew quarters,nickels or dimes could be healthy when used properly.



  1. This method of healing sounds pretty interesting and i never heard of healing anybody with coins. It seems to be pretty cool.

  2. Paulito, this seems pretty awesome. Healing someone with small circular pieces of metal seems interesting. Keep doing your thing and I look forward to seeing your presentation.

  3. I haven't heard of this before. Looking forward to hearing about it.

  4. Healing people with coins sounds very interesting. I look foward to seeing your presentation

  5. This healing method is very bizarre. I'm glad you chose a strange topic that we can learn from, and I'm curious to know if you can perform this treatment with any coin or if it has to be a specific one...?

  6. I've never heard about anything like this before good luck with your research I'm eager to learn more.
